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Press Release

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Coronavirus Update #12

Americans have always answered the call of our country. Throughout history, Americans have responded when times have gotten tough. When things seem scary or uncertain. As a people, we’ve made sacrifices. We’ve banded together and fought injustices. We’ve innovated and created. We’ve used our ingenuity and our hard work. We’ve worked as a team and done amazing things.
Think of all of the things Americans have produced and accomplished. The literature. The scientific feats. The music. The infrastructure. The architectural wonders. The broken records. The realized dreams. Above all, Americans are really great at pulling together and being creative problem-solvers, especially when our country asks us to do the impossible.
And now, during the COVID-19 pandemic, America needs us again. Here’s how you can answer our nation’s call today:
1. Stay home and Fly Your American Flag!
The American Flag is a symbol of pride and freedom for all Americans.
As the nation weathers the storm of COVID-19, it is important that Turlock residents recognize that we are in this together and things will get better. Join the City of Turlock - all residents, businesses and civic organizations - to display the American Flag as a sign of unity during this unprecedented time.
Every year from Memorial Day to Veteran’s Day every year, the City of Turlock displays the American Flag along the established flag corridors, Countryside Drive and Canal Drive. But not time like to fly those flags, so we will be beginning Friday, April 17th, instead of waiting until Memorial Day.
Share your pictures on Facebook or Instagram using #TurlockStrong of your American Flag proudly displayed. If it gives you a sense of purpose, put on some red, white, and blue as you cook dinner instead of going out to eat. Chant “USA! USA!” as you Facetime with friends instead of meeting them for drinks. Play some patriotic tunes while you clean up the dinner dishes!
2. Stay home
America needs us to stay home. Our fellow citizens–our friends, our neighbors, our family members–need us to stop our regularly scheduled activities and stay home. America needs us to practice social distancing. America needs us to wash our hands and not touch our faces. It sounds simple, but some of you aren’t doing it. And America really, really needs you to.

Please stay home. Fly your flag.
Ask not what staying home can do for you, but what staying home can do for your community.

Maryn Pitt (209) 668-5439

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